从企业的文化的理念出发,我们为其打造独特的办公环境,满足员工对企业的无限向往。 A unique work environment is created based on corporate culture, conforming to employee's longing for an enterprise. CEO 高管空间 高管空间采用的是总裁班台系列,讲究美观与整体的统一性,时尚的造型设计展现出了领导特有的不凡气质。 Furnished with CEO series furniture, the whole space focuses on its elegant appearance and unique shape, showing an extraordinary character of senior leadership. 硬朗与柔美的结合,是质感,是时尚,是文艺,高级感顺势来袭。 Combination of hardness and grace elaborates vogue, literary with high-end design.
对于新时代的管理来说,大气,高雅的办公环境不再符合他们的需求,自由,随心,高效才是他们的追求。 For modern managers in the new era, what they require for a work space should not only elegance and spaciousness, but also a place to work at ease in a high efficiency. 简约,经典可以用时间来沉淀,而对精致的细节展现,则是真正体现匠人精神的要点。 Concise, classics can stand the test of times by showing elaborate details, which interpretes the essence of ingenuity & craftsmanship . Staff 职员空间 职员工作位以简洁为主,合理的空间布局,融合了美观与实用的双重作用。 Workstation for staff is concise and proper in space arrangement, nice-looking in appearance and practical in usage. Meeting 会议空间 以轻奢舒适风格打造的会议空间,极具体现了使用者对其生活品味的态度。 An entry lux style meeting room embodies users' attitude towards their life style. 简洁凝练的空间风格,营造出极强的视觉冲击力,让开会也成为一种享受。 Concise style of the space creates a strong visual sense, making the meeting enjoyable to you. Training 培训空间 可移动的培训桌组成的培训空间,整体风格现代时尚,结构简洁,移动方便,可自由组成各种办公需求。 Moveable training desk makes up the whole space, modern and fashion, concise and convenient for moving, meeting with various office needs. Leisure 休闲空间 工作既是生活,生活也是工作,两者相辅相成,辅以极具设计感的座椅,形成独具风格的空间。 Work and life mutually reinforce each other to create a unique space by embellishing the space with chairs. 项目名称 | 浙江大明制冷科技 项目地址 | 浙江省绍兴市嵊州市黄泽镇东直街165号 项目面积 | 8000m² end 如果您想购买,想合作,想加盟 全国热线:400-0931-819